What in the world is a death doula?
Death doulas are non-medical professionals who provide emotional practical, and supportive care to dying persons and their loved ones.
If you were to hire a birth doula, you might expect them to help you learn about your options, honor your choices, advocate for you through the pregnancy and birth process, and help you transition as you welcomed a child into your family. A death doula's role is very similar - we just work at the other end of life. A death doula can help you visualize your most ideal end-of-life picture, understand all of your options, support you as you advocate for yourself with family, friends, and medical professionals, and, if you wish, accompany you in those final moments of your life.

Training & Education
There is no licensure or universal training program for death doulas, so each doula is responsible for pursuing and continuing their education, and determining the code of ethics by which they will abide.
I completed my Conscious Dying Coach certification through Conscious Dying Collective and my Sacred Passage Doula certification through he same. I am a member of the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA). All NEDA members agree to abide by NEDA's Doula Model of Care, Scope of Practice, and Code of Ethics.
I regularly participate in continuing education opportunities through NEDA and am always looking for ways to expand my understanding and scope of practice to benefit my clients!